Translation is a tool that provides the social, economic, spiritual and cultural bond between people, societies, tribes, nations and nationalities. Keywords: culture, language,literature,policy, translation, tradition Selection and peer-review underresponsibilityof Academic World Education andResearchCenter. © 2013 The Authors.PublishedbyElsevier Ltd. Kazakh National university named after Al-Farabi, Al-Farabi avenue 71, Alamty 050000, Kazakstan. The social nature of literary translation in Kazakstan in XX century Procedía - Social and Behavioral Sciences 114 (2014) 229 - 233Ĥth World Conference on Psychology, Counseling and Guidance WCPCG-2013 At present time the status of translation is better than XX century, but much remain to be done. After great October Socialist Revolution Abai's name became known to people. The government refused publishing Abai's works as Abai in his works criticized the head of nation, officials, the violence, the cruelty made up to people and the position of rich people under poor. The main prohibition covered the period from 1910-1920, the period when Kazakh nation was under the influence of Russian Royal Empire.

Also in this article is written about the political situations of XX century in Kazakhstan which prevented to the development of translation from Kazakh language into Russian and other foreign languages. His translation skills are example to the translators of present generation. He was first who found the school of translation in Kazakhstan. His main contribution to Kazakh literature was his translations from Russian poets and writers. This article is devoted to the literary contribution of well-known Kazakh poet Abai Kunanbayev. Abstract of research paper on Languages and literature, author of scientific article - M.T.